
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Some more DVD tesitmonials

Here are some more emails I've received lately about my "How To Slipcover" DVD. I always love to hear back and see pictures of what everyone's done!

I recieved this email this morning from  Janet at The Empty Nest Blog. I was a little surprised to hear from her already because she just finished her first chair a few days ago, and now she has already finished her SECOND chair! I am so proud of her! She did such a great job! She used a drop cloth for her fabric.

Morning Shelley,
I just tackled my first Wingback!!!! I love the results..thanks for your DVD!!
janet xox
I'm addicted!

Hi Shelley:
 Just received your DVD and love it! Lots of great tips - you make it look so easy. I  just recently made a slipcover for a chair my daughter had - turned out pretty good but now I can't wait to try another using some of your techniques

Hi Shelley!
Hope you are doing well! I always love stopping by your is so inspiring!
I am doing well. Ruffled Linens on etsy is going well. I seem to stay booked about 2 weeks out. We just moved to Birmingham, so I am trying to get my name out for slipcovering...I have done a couple of pieces here. I have learned so much about myself during this whole business venture!

Your resources have been so helpful in getting my business started. Joe from Wherehouse fabrics and I chat a lot. I have ordered over 600 yards of linen so far (that is a lot for me!)...I can't match the price anywhere...

Just wanted to say hey and thanks again for your resources...they have been so invaluable to helping get my sewing business going.

With many many thanks!!

This is one of Christiana's listings on have to go check out her shop...she has some amazing tablecloths, curtains, pillows etc...almost all out of linen.

REMEMEBER when you purchase my DVD I send you my supplier list. Many of my suppliers are "mom and pop" type shops and aren't online. I give you my suppliers for linen, custom down cushions, piping, and zippers.

To buy my DVD ($45 plus $3 shipping) click on the button below.


Monday, March 28, 2011

Pair of wingbacks and a round ottoman

This client was ready for a change!!! Her designer jumped at the chance to redo these hunter green wingback chairs. They chose a neutral lighter weight chenille for the chairs and accented them with a steel blue chenille pillow that we put a boxpleat ruffle on.

Her ottoman was a great find on (like craigslist) for $50. It was a bit too tall so she removed the wheels. That is why the skirt is flared out in the before picture. I then cut off the skirt and slipcovered it in some cheetah chenille fabric. I decided to clean up the lines and did a band around the top and copied the original skirt that pleated every 13" all the way around.

Wingback chair BEFORE


AFTER...the set of wingback and the round cheetah ottoman. The fabric was pretty thick on the ottoman, so the tufting didn't really show through. If it did...we were going to lay a thin piece of batting down before we put the slipcover on.

Close up of chair .....and look at the boxpleat ruffle on the pillow.

Another after shot

Front of arm
Closer up of ottoman.

I love how the room turned out! The pillows and the ottoman finished it off for me.

Don't forget my DVD giveway is still going on until March 31st...we are in second place and need to pull ahead by Thursday night. (We are trying to win a free Ragnar Relay come "like" my pic on facebook and I'll enter you in my giveaway). Here is the Slipcover DVD giveaway link. Remember you get an entry for every person you get to "like" my photo as well.

Janet over at the Empty Nest did a little write up of her experience making her first slipcover with the help of my DVD. She's a great story go check out her amazing blog!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Cream Duck Cloth Slipcovers

This client had a room full of darling antique furniture, that she was covering up with quilts. Some of the pieces were quite worn, and she wanted to protect them from getting worse with her cats. She picked up 30 yds of cream duck cloth from Walmart for $5/yd and prewashed it all. Then I came and fit the couch and picked up the two chairs.

1st chair BEFORE. I loved all the wood work on this chair. The fabric was quite worn and thread bare in spots.

Chair #2 BEFORE. Darling wood legs.


Couch and Chair #1 AFTER. I did a pleat skirt on the couch that goes all one way, and I was able to leave an opening to show off the wood arms on the chair. We chose to do no skirt on the chair and show off the legs.

Close up of Chair #1 exposing the wood arm (piped the opening) and the wood legs.
AFTER chair #1. I just ended the slipcover with piping and no skirt.

AFTER Chair #2. We chose to do a short pleat skirt that pleats all one way. This gives you a similar look to boxpleating all the way around, but it takes alot less time. Therefore less labor cost.

Close up of pleat skirt all one way. We left it a little off the floor to show the nubby feet.

My boys were sweet this morning and unhooked my trailer and unloaded my whole car from my appointments out yesterday. They didn't want to ride their bikes to school today, and I told them I couldn't take them because the trailer was still hooked up and my car was full of fabric/cushions/ottomans etc. I've never seem them work so fast! 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Embroidered chair slipcover

This chair was for one of my designer clients....which she was doing for one of her clients. I love doing slipcovers for her, because she always chooses amazing fabric. This fabric is orange with an embroidered wedding ring pattern in white.

Before...dated, stained and worn

After...beautiful, fun, and orange!

Close up of the embroidery design (this probably shows the true color the best on the orange). The chair went in the the lighting is a little off in the other pics.

Close up of front

Another after shot.

She did an ottoman to match as well.

Side Note-- trying to decide what to do with the kids tomorrow since they don't have school. Thinking we might try to take them skiing, if Heber's knee is feeling up to it. My sister Nikki came to visit yesterday, and we sewed some pillows for her girls' room... then took the kids to the park in the cold wind and hung out with our mom. Nikki is having her baby in three weeks...can't wait to meet baby Kate.

Oh yeah...I was also featured over the weekend on "Better After" and "Pink and Polka Dot's Friday's Featured Slipcovers". Go check it out (links below). Thanks Ladies.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Another Upholstered Rocker

This client had a mossy green velvet couch and two black/cream toile wingback chairs....and this was the last chair to finish off the room. She couldn't take the floral any longer...but she loved the chair to rock her grand babies. So she thought this green large check w/ gingham piping would finish off her french country family room. I think it did the job!

Before....floral rocker

After green check with gingham piping.

Check out the matching ladies! From side to side as well as up and down. I was proud of it.

Close up of the front of the chair

Another after shot... I even matched up the bolster pillow to line up with the slipcover on the cushion. Crazy, I know. to take the day off today with Heber and went for a long bike ride while the kids were in school. I think we got 11 miles in. Fun to go hang out and enjoy the warm weather (57 degrees) today!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Oatmeal linen loveseat with french welt

This client decided to change it up with some oatmeal linen that she prewashed to soften it up. She wanted to do french welting instead of piping. French welting is a 2" strip of fabric folded in half and ironed and sewn in the seams with tucks made in the corners.

She also wanted a boxpleat skirt all the way around the base with the legs showing as much as possible.

Love the oatmeal linen!

Before loveseat
After loveseat...with french welting.

close up of front of arm...see the tucks on the french welting on the corner of the cushion?

Boxpleat skirt.... I self lined this skirt (fold in half).

French welting tucks on the cushion.
Close up of front.

Side tonight I bribed my 6 yr old (or maybe he bribed me?) to let me cut his hair, it was nasty and bedhead in the back and shaggy. He loves baths... he takes like three a day, so he had asked me to take a bath with him (bathing suits required of course). I told him I would if he let me cut his hair.....HE SAID YES!!!!! Halleluiha (however you spell it)!!!!

Here is a pic of him in the bath with cousin...this is how my kids are entertained in the winter...bathing suits and a bottle of shampoo.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

wingback chair

This client wanted to change it up and make her chair neutral. She used three curtain panels from IKEA for her fabric...the had a slight stripe so of course I matched that up. You'll have to look close in the pics for the stripe/texture. I loved her pillows that finished it off. Like I've said I am a sucker for green.

Before...beautiful velvet stripe...she just was wanting a change, which I totally get. I change things not because I don't like them anymore, but because I want to look at something different.

After...tan solid. We didn't do a skirt, so we could show off the darling turned legs on casters.
Front of arm

Inside wing.
If you look hard you can see the stripe/texture...really subtle

Side Note: I was featured on Be at Home: Home and Garden Blog  go check it out...thanks