
Monday, November 22, 2010

Modern Floral Chair

First of all, I fell in love with this fabric! I love the turquoise,mustard and gray together. Since there was no cushion on the seat I had to do tuck in around the seat. I also ended up using velcro on the bottom edges of the slipcover to hold it down and keep the concave curve on the front of the chair. If that makes sense.

Sorry these pics are in my garage and not in my clients beautiful home, but my fabulous husband is dropping this off for me. So if I wanted a pic I had to do it before he left. I can't expect him to do my drop off and take pictures for me too.

Chair before

Chair after


Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend     wrap    up           party!


  1. I love the fabric (and your site as well) but I've got to ask, does it bug you or your clients that the fabric is wrinkled? It would drive me nuts. Just curious.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Most people with slipcovers choose to prewash their fabric, so they can wash the slipcovers instead of drycleaning. Wrinkles happen when you wash... you can always iron your slipcovers if you choose to. I usually don't iron them before I drop them off, since I have to bag them up and they end up wrinkled again.

  4. Wow Shelley, I'm so amazed at what a tight fit you can get! It's so awesome! Who needs reupholstering when you can get a slipcover that fits so well? Amazing!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I hadn't thought about the fact that you could remove a slipcover:) It makes sense now. Thanks!

  7. I love it, and it would look great in my house! Would you mind sharing the name of the fabric? Thanks so much!

  8. I love the fabric you used! The chair is so cute!

  9. Love love it!!!! A truly amazing slipcover! Wow!!!

    I would also LOVE to know the name of the fabric you's delish!!!

  10. Just like everyone else - LOOOOVE IT!!!! Beautiful fabric and tailored cover! JenT

  11. What a beautiful fit and lovely fabric. Any way I can find out
    where to buy the fabric?

  12. This fabric is called "Dahlie" by Thomaspaul.

  13. Thank you very much! As much as I love the fabric, I know that without you beautiful work, the chair would not be nothing to look at! I am soooo impressed with it and wish I was brave enough to try a tough project like that.

  14. I love the fabric and it is perfect for the chair! I made my first slipcover last week and I have a brand new admiration for your talent. I don't think I'll make another one in the near future. :)

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  15. LOVE it!! What's something like that costs to re cover?? Fabric is so expensive these days
