
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Cream wingbacks

My client wanted to update her 90's plaid chairs to cream wingbacks. I had some cream twill on hand that worked for what she needed!IMG_4315 BEFORE---Plaid wingbacks

IMG_4325AFTER---Cream wingbacks, we kept the legs showing.

IMG_4330These finished off her room beautifully!

Side Notes-- Well it's hunting season here in Utah and my two oldest got to go this year! Love this pic Heber took of them! They are heading out again this weekend for anterless elk tags...hopefully they get something! They've been watching hunting shows since April!


My youngest is super crafty and is always trying to make something out of anything else we own. He was set on making a knife blade and needed some steel--he asked if he could have the table saw blade! That was a definite NO! He settled on an old piece of skateboard rail that was kicking around. He's been filing this thing for days!12043111_10207822759867395_478087060166646722_n
Photobucket Photobucket get it covered photo coveredbutton.jpg the whole 9 yards photo whole9yards.jpg

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