About 3 years ago, I came out with my "HOW TO SLIPCOVER" DVD. I have gotten many great reviews and pics back of slipcovers that you have made with the help of my DVD. It makes me so happy and proud, that so many of you have learned a new skill and some have started businesses! Really truly, it brings tears to my eyes of how proud I am of you!
Over the years I have received emails with questions on the harder items (telephone arms, wingbacks, when to hem a certain way, pattern matching, etc. Because of this, I decided to offer an ADVANCED GUIDE in PDF form. This has been 9 months in the making!
"GET IT COVERED" is 59 pages of pics and instructions. It builds on the skills you learned from my "HOW TO SLIPCOVER" DVD. I am assuming you have made at least one slipcover and are familiar with the process. Lots of what I show you are aha moments to save you time and heartache. For example, I have figured out a way to pattern match that is amazingly simple, yet it took me 12 years and tons of slipcovers to figure it out.
If you are interested in starting a slipcover business, make sure to check out my "WHOLE 9 YARDS"--starting and running a successful slipcover business (PDF download).
$55 Click to purchase-- instant PDF download

sample page from book
$55 Click to purchase-- instant PDF download

sample page from book
$55 Click to purchase-- instant PDF download

Will a 200 Bernina work for making a couch/loveseat cover or do I need a commercial machine? Thank you! Denise
Thanks for the tip on the piping. I too was always going back over everything to get it to smooth out!
I used a Bernina 180 for making many slipcovers. I have graduated to a commercial machine, but it did fine.
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