BEFORE.....My front room without the slipcovers.
Here was my first look...back in the day when I was loving shabby chic and ruffles.
Notice the blue paint and chair rail that we removed. I also sold my wall tree (coat rack), which just looked junky all the time. Somehow our house doesn't have a hall closet.
My third look...I tried to switch out the ottoman cover and some pillows to freshen and lighten it up....but I was never completely in love. A few weeks ago I went to a clients house and saw her daughters bedroom with horizontal gray and white stripes. OH MY was beautiful. I finally had my inspiration. I was getting lazy just trying to change the fabrics and not repainting the blue and removing the chair rail.
I have learned my lesson! Little updates when I haven't changed the base in 10 years isn't going to make me like it more....I just need to revamp the whole thing and not try to work around things (chair rail/ blue paint). IF....I just change it all and completely love it, I will be content for years.
MY AFTER and final look! Gray and white with a few pops of green (my favorite color). The green fabric on the pillow, I bought last year when I went to North Carolina to visit Gina from Slipcover Chic.
I found the LARGE mirror at IKEA in the As- is department for $90. I used my Wall Tree proceeds to pay for it. I was hoping it would work and wasn't too big...luckily I was right, because you can't return As-is items.
With all the straight lines on the wall and chevron pillows, I felt the white chairs need some scrolly type fabric on the pillows. Made up these white and gray pillows with no piping (knife edge).
I switched my bedroom curtains with the front room curtains...the white worked better in here.
I also spray painted the legs on all the furniture white. The legs seemed to disappear into the slipcovers....I wanted them to POP!
I switched out my ottoman for a large rustic trunk that I had up in my bonus room. I got this for babysitting when I was 16. The lady I baby sat for volunteered at the local thrift store. I saw it in her garage and told her how much I liked time I babysat she gave it to me as payment.
I picked up the green matelesse throw blanket at a thrift store about 6 months ago. I bought it because of the color and figured I could cut it up and make something out of it.....NOPE, I kept it just as is.
I also swiped the lamp from downstairs and put a barrel shade on it.
I am learning the art of accessorizing....last week I headed to Hobby Lobby with an old college friend that was in town. I threw anything that I liked in my cart, and decided I could return anything that didn't work. I was loving the metal industrial type stuff, and rustic items, and of course silver and green.
On my drive home from Hobby Lobby, I texted my running partner, Camille to come help me accessorize. I am still not very good at the small things. I know what I like, but pulling it together is sometimes difficult. The dresser accessories are my FAVORITE!!! I got everything for 50% off. The metal items went on sale this week, so I went back and got a price adjustment. (If items go on sale the next week, you can take them back with your receipt and get the difference back).
Close up of my trunk, my brother Clark tried to steal this from me when he left to college. He threw all his belongings in it and tossed it in the back of his pickup truck when he left. To make me feel better, he told me when I got married and wanted it back, he'd return it. 5 yrs later, I came collecting. His wife was sad to see it go.
So all in all, I spent $150 on paint and paint supplies, and $100 on accessories. Everything else I already had in other areas of the house...HOORAY for "in house shopping". Heber was a champ and did 75% of the painting. We used a laser line to tape off the stripes.

Woman--how do you have time to do everything you do?? I love it all! (And am still waiting for you to move to GA so you can slipcover all my furniture!) :)
The new room looks great!! very modern & sleek. We just got a Hobby Lobby here in Temecula... glad it is on the other side of town.. it's VERY tempting
Love it! The gray is so classy, and I love that shade of green, too.
Your "new" room looks great - love the stripes!
It looks great, but as I look at the pictures I feel like the room is missing something. I think in place of the owl and the metal thing on the trunk--plants would look great, either realistic faux ones or real ones. You probably don't want my opinion, but when I show spaces in my house on my blog I always want others suggestions:)
Oh man I wished in the worse way you were in Virginia to make slipcover for me. Your slipcover of the sofa is awesome.
Hi Shelley, I don't think I have ever commented before, but I admire your hard work. Your family room turned out great! Yay for a little elbow grease and some in home shopping!
Hello Friend,
I love the random knob on your oil rubbed dresser!! Great work. It looks very inviting and comfortable.
Hi Shelly,
I ordered your dvd over a year ago and slipcovered my loveseat. Best thing ever. Unfortunately I have a tear where I made a mistake and some piping I made to short and it came out of the seam. Boo I am so sad because I don't know if I can fix since these mistakes are totally due to fabric choice and my own mistakes, do you have a suggestion for where to buy sturdy fabric in the future? By the way your dvd is awesome and I tell everyone about it! I would be happy to write a testimonial or whatever praising it if you need and a picture. Thanks Shelly!
Love the gray and white horizontal stripe! Everything looks fantastic!
What's the name of the gray paint you used? I LOVE this!!!
Woodsmoke by glisten is the paint color
By glidden sorry auto correct on previous entry
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