WEEK #2 of sewing contest (For the Home). Click here to vote for your 2 favorite projects!
My client got this hand me down chair from her husbands aunt. It's been sitting in the corner of her basement.
Chair--BEFORE--a bit dated and stained.
Chair--AFTER-- She picked this great orange zebra fabric and some turquoise fabric for pillows.
The chair didn't allow for tuck-ins inside the wing...so I decided to run piping down that seam to finish it off.
Since my client was worried about the slipcover shifting and showing underneath--especially since we weren't doing a skirt. I did a 1.5" casing around the base and cinched it tight with a cord and tied it around the back leg. This way it won't go anywhere, which is good because the original fabric is slippery.

O.K. this chair is completely awesome! I have some green zebra print that I am planning on using for this exact style of chair. This motivates me to get it done. Can't wait for my funky chair!
Beautiful! You definitely made the world a better place by hiding that pink satin lol
Shelley, once again you have done an amazing job. And I would definitely paint the legs turquoise if that were my chair!
Beautiful job! I love that fabric! It makes such a statement! Fun!
I am trying to vote and I keep getting an error message. Love this chair!!!
I think this chair is just awesome!! I've been looking for two similar chairs and have wanted to put zebra print on them - probably not orange because I'm not cool enough for that, but LOVE LOVE how it turned out!
Looks Great!!
Looks Great!!
Love it! What type of material is the Zebra Fabric?
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