So at the very beginning of the month we took the kids and a bunch of our neighbors to Carlsbad state beach. We camped out for 5 nights. We boogie boarded, collected shells, ate good food, visited the tide pools in San Diego, and enjoyed our one sunny day. You know they call it "June gloom" for a reason right? It was overcast 4 out of the five days, but that didn't stop anyone from swimming.

Here is me with my two oldest boys.

Here Iam with my husband, Heber.

Here we are at the tide pools, where I spent most of my time taking the kids to the potty 1/2 a mile away. I think I was only at the tide pools about 15 minutes.
After Carlsbad...Heber drove me to meet up with my sisters, for a sisters weekend in Manhattan Beach, Ca. He then drove home to Utah with the three boys all by himself for 12 hours. What a trooper!!!

So we stayed at the cutest hotel called the "Belamar" in Manhattan Beach. They had complimentary beach cruiser bikes you could use to ride to the beach (1.5 miles). On the way we stopped at a few yard sales and bought way too much and had to come back with our car to pick up a HUGE mirror and bulletin board...lets just say the trunk wouldn't close, so we drove around the rest of the weekend with our trunk flapping in the wind. We did buy rope and the bell hop helped us tie it down for our 10 hour drive home to Utah. The hotel also had a complimentary yoga class and ding dongs. It was decorated with a fun 50's modern vibe with lots of fun fabrics. If you ever need a place to stay... I highly recommend the Belamar Hotel. I love sisters, because as much as our husbands love us...they would never let us buy stuff that wouldn't fit in the trunk.

Here is three of us at a yard sale...we got some screaming deals, I got fabric of course and a huge bulletin board for $10.

Here is all four of us getting breakfast down at Starbucks by the pier.

Here is me and my sister Angie...two of my sisters are photographers and the other one is a massage therapist. We had lots of fun shopping, eating out, joking around with the bellhops, swimming, and swiping ding dongs from the front desk.

Then 4 days after I got home, Heber and I ran the Wasatch Back relay race. It's 188 miles from Logan to Park City, UT with 12 people on your team. You run 3 times each, so total I ran 18.4 miles with 3 hours of sleep in the middle of the night. Our team finished in 31 hours and 20 minutes. Heber is wearing my running partners sunglasses to be funny. Gosh I love that man.
Now I am back home and trying to get caught up on work and manage the crazy summer schedule with all the kids. You know kids running in and out all day long with water guns and sand on their feet wanting you to fill up water balloons and make them food every other hour. We are also finishing up baseball games and since we had so many games cancelled because of rain, all the makeup games are this week. SO 6 games this week between the three boys.