Here are the chairs before....cream velvet from the seventies.... But they were comfortable, swiveled and rocked.
Here are the chairs after in a great blue paisley....manly enough for a bachelor pad right? Did I mention his mom is a designer?
Another after shot of the front of the chairs together. He also had this great modern oval shaped coffee table, I loved it with the chairs. I also did a little bit of matching along the front.
We raised the skirt height to update the chairs a bit.
Matching along the front cushion and skirt.
I also ran piping down the inside arms, just to polish it off a bit.
Side Note----
Hope everyone had a great time this holiday season. I've enjoyed having the past two weeks off work. I cleaned out a junk room and turned it into a guest bedroom...I'll post pics later. I ordered fabric to change things up in my bedroom...the fabric should be here tomorrow!!! I even ended up pulling off a Christmas card last minute with my sisters help...I literally mailed them off 2 days before Christmas.
Best part of all....Heber ended up getting Christmas off this year (a guy called him a week before Christmas and needed him to work a trade for him for the next day, and he said if he worked for him, he'd work Christmas for Heber!!!!). Heber is a fireman and has worked the last 3-4 years on Christmas day. So I was SUPER excited that he could have it off.
So with the change in plans....we decided to do CHRISTMAS at our Cabin! We wrapped up all the gifts and packed up the kids and headed to the cabin. It was the best Christmas ever.... we chopped down a tree and decorated it, watched Christmas movies, drank hot chocolate, ate cookies, sledded, and the boys were all so good and nice to eachother! We also surprised the boys...their main gift was a trip to Maui as a family....we leave Jan 5th! Despite the frozen drains and 15 degrees when we arrived and Luke's huge bloody nose episode in the middle of the night.....WE had a great time at the cabin!
Here is the picture I used for our Christmas Card. Luke didn't want his picture taken. No stress picture, I didn't even pick outfits out...."lower my expectations" has been my theme for the past few months...trying to get through my busy peak season work time.