First off--- I am booked until OCT 30th--email me if you want on my list for November (limited spots available). Don't forget, I will not be taking any clients during the month of December.
My client loved her couch and the way it snuggled into her small space...she just wasn't loving all the flowers anymore.
Couch---AFTER---white denim with a kick pleat skirt----brightened up the room!
The back cushions---I kept the style the same as the original with the "kiss pleats" on the upper corners of them.
Whole room--- LOVE that WINDOW/ SHUTTER thing!
SIde Note- #1--- I AM BOOKED UNTIL OCTOBER 30TH! please email me if you want on my list. for NOVEMBER---limited spots (I always take December off).
Side Note #2--
This past weekend I headed to Reno to meet up with the rest of my family (all 6 siblings with their families came as well as my parents).
My oldest nephew returned from his mission for our church, so it was his homecoming! It happened to be his younger brother's birthday on the same I racked my brain trying to come up with a birthday gift for an 18 yr. old boy.
Here's what I came up with. I made him a wallet out of some of my grandpa's old shirts (his great grandpa). I even took a tag out of one of the shirts that had grandpa's initials on it and sewed it on the inside as a label. Then I asked all my siblings and parents to chip in some cash to fill it up.
He LOVED it!
Tutorial for wallet can be found here...
Here's a pic of my little family with Seth---he served in Paraguay for 2 years.
Here's Seth with his two brothers. It was so great to see everyone and hang out. We had a BBQ and played volleyball, went to the pool, and some of the boys went shooting. I even squeezed in a fitting for a chair and ottoman while I was there.