So this last weekend my dad came and helped up put in three 48"x48" windows on the main level of the cabin which replaced three 24"x24" windows. I can't tell you the difference in light and how much it opened it up. I was literally jumping up and down when they popped out the first opening for the first window. I found the windows on (like craigslist) for $40 each, and they had never been installed. When I priced them at Lowes they were $120 each. So with the price of the windows and the lumber, trim, calking etc. it cost $250 total to replace the windows/trim and baseboards. TOTALLY worth it!!

before with small windows on the deck

after with big can see the small window that we took out sitting on the ground in between the two windows. This was a very happy day for me. The inside is now so light, and not just a dark whole with cute furniture. I love that you can actually see the view now. You can see all the trees and everything. I fall more and more in love with this little cabin with every project that we finish.

Here is a pic of the view from the deck. My nephew Seth also came up to help on the windows and hangout with grandpa and my sisters.

Here is a pic of the opening that was cut for the window...that's my handsome hubby, Heber looking excited to be doing all the work with my dad.

That's my dad skill sawing out the opening with saw dust flying everywhere. My dad came up from California to visit for a few days, so I talked him into helping us with one of our projects. My dad loves having a project. He built almost all of our houses growing up. It was fun to show him the cabin and get his ideas. One of his ideas that I liked was to remove the outside staircase and build the steps into the grade of the slope with railroad ties, then you would enter from the back of the deck. Heber doesn't want to talk about any more projects though.

Here's a pic from the inside after we took off the paneling to frame out for the window. Good thing men know what they are doing. That's my dad.
Then Heber had to hurry and get all the paneling back up on the inside of the cabin, so that my friend Becky could come help paint the paneling. I decided to leave the ceiling and vaulted parts wood as well as the trim around the windows and baseboards. I debated what to do, which would make the biggest impact and not be an insane amount of work. After I saw a post on I finally got my inspiration. I don't have it all put back together yet, but I was so excited to show you the progress, so I'll post some more after pics when the trim and slipcovers are back on.

Here is a before pic that I found of the kitchen.

Here is the after (well the baseboards aren't back on yet) with the walls painted.

another after of the kitchen

here is a way before pic of coming down from the loft into the family room. This was before Heber removed the two small walls and the header at the bottom, and put in bigger windows. Oh and the light fixture got switched out too.

Here is the painting in progress of the family room. I can't wait to get all the furniture put back together, and the curtains hung. The curtain hanging might take some serious persuasion on my end to get Heber to help. His least favorite things are hanging curtains and shelves.