Here are the two loveseats BEFORE....she bought the second one the night before I came off was similar in size and shape of her other one.
Chair--- BEFORE
Craigslist loveseat---BEFORE
Loveseat--- AFTER--- She had sticky notes on every bedspread numbering them and letting me know where she wanted them. We bagged them up by item, to try and lessen my confusion when I got started.
Craigslist Loveseat---AFTER--- she wanted to make the two loveseats looks similar, and the chair to be a bit different.
Front of loveseat....she bought inner lining that is used on curtains (feels like flannel) to line most of the bedspreads since some were a little thin. I lined the skirt, front of arms, cushions and pillows. I added 2" to the length of the skirt so it would puddle.
Chair---AFTER--- I used the original bedspread edging for the hem of the skirts on the chair and no lining on these two skirts.
Marcelle had me do the bottoms and the backs of the cushions in different colors, so she can flip them and have another look. The bottom of the chair cushion is out of purple/ white chenille bedspread and the back of the back cushion is out of yellow chenille.
Top of Ottoman. We used the same pink cotton piping everywhere, to tie it all together.
I centered and matched up the designs on the back cushions, so they were symmetrical. The top of the seat cushions and bands are out of a white matelesse.
Centered and matched up back cushions on the second loveseat.
Chair and ottoman---AFTER
Marcelle also hung chenille bedspreads on clip rings for her window treatments.
Front of loveseat arm.
I love how her whole room turned out and the vision she had! How Darling is this! She even started switching out her quilts on her quilt rack to coordinate.
I love the minty walls and the chandeliers and the all works! I love how slipcovers can change and room!
Side Note #1-- I am booked until End of July/ beginning of August.
Side Note #2--- BASEBALL HAS STARTED! Life with 3 boys playing baseball has begun. My two oldest are on the same team this year and play two games every Saturday, and my youngest plays one game each Saturday as well. Here are some pics from the first weeks game.
They were so excited about their uniforms and the fact that their name is on their jerseys.