First off, can I just tell you all how much I love getting testimonials! It seriously makes my day!
Slipcover DVD and Advanced Guide Testimonials
-I am loving watching your dvd…. I have watched it twice now. I have had a sewing workroom for several years now, sewing window treatments, cushions, pillows, bedding, etc. I keep thinking I need to specialize in something because there is just so much out there to sew. I think I have found it. I will have to practice making a few on my own furniture to be sure, but your dvd was awesome. I am such a hands on person and watching you work on the dvd made me feel like I was right there. If you ever do have a seminar, I would love to come meet you and learn oh so much more….Hoping to step up my business by specializing. I also have enjoyed going through your blog and looking at all the various projects, gives me ideas and inspiration.
-I actually just ordered your advanced slipcovers ebook yesterday. So exited. Your instructions are very clear and easy to understand. AFter sewing for over 30 years, and officially having a workroom for about the last 7 years, I am exited to try some slipcovers and finally get a website put together. As soon as I finish the website, I would love to have your feedback. Your resources are invaluable. Thanks so much. I am completely inspired when I read your blog, watch your dvd and look through your ebook. You have inspired me to sew more and save money….(which my husband really appreciates too!)
-THank you soooo much! I just love your dvd and book. I can't tell you how many times I've watched the dvd and the book remains open on my desk top all day!
My client had these amazing antique needle point chairs, she wanted a slipcover on them to help protect them. That way she can let the kids on them and not stress. These light blue linen 2 piece slipcovers with 1/4" french welt and ballet ties were designed by Hilary Taylor! She had great vision on these!
BEFORE--AFTER--light blue lined linen slipcovers with 1/4" french welt (flange) trim.
Hilary Taylor is a designer in the SLC area-- she did an amazing job on her dining room!
-Camille and I started writing our decorating guide "Sytling Cents" --Reuse, Repurpose, Revive your space. It's going to walk you through the steps of redoing a room -- paint, shopping, furniture placement, and accessories all on a RIDICULOUSLY low BUDGET! It's also going to include tutorials on making curtains, pillows, lamp shade covers, how to hang curtains, etc.
-We headed to St. George for Spring break with our new inflatable paddle boards from Xterra
Paddle boarding at Sand Hollow State Park. They call this place "Little Lake Powell". It was pretty amazing, we jumped off red rocks and cruised around the reservoir on paddle boards.
I LOVE the paddle boards, we came home and ended up Preordering a third one (12'6"). I could be out there all day!
We also headed into Zions for a day and hiked Angels Landing. Yes, I am in a maxi dress--we had planned to paddle board this day and then got to the reservoir and it was way too WINDY! We didn't want to drive 30 min. back to the room, so we all made do. Flip flops, tied up my maxi dress--my famous words to my boys--"find a solution" was in effect for that day.

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