I have to admit, I lost sleep over these 16 dining chairs with separate seats and backs. I was trying to figure out how to go around the back post and velcro the skirt closed and make it look good.
The chairs underneath are gray leather with large nail head trim with no skirt. The client felt like the dining room was cold and wanted to add some fabric with a skirt to the floor.
Here is the drawing my designer client drew up for me to show me what he wanted.
AFTER---of course the white linen backs had to be lined. They only wanted black toppers for every other chair and then the picture frame fabric in between (some are square and some are oval).
The topper fabric was a shiny black chintz---so it looks somewhat like leather. The designer decided no piping---which I thought turned out nice.
I did attach some ribbon ties under the skirt next to the back legs, so I could strap the seats on more securely....since they are leather and slippery seats underneath.