To help you get your house put back together and freshen up your decor after the holidays!
I did this set of chairs for a darling grandma in Sugarhouse. She was so appreciative and grateful, she sent me home with a bag of homemade caramels. My boys loved them!
CHAIR #1--BEFORE---english rolled arm, my favorite. Faded, tired, and scratched up from the cat.
CHAIR #2-- BEFORE---faded, worn, and she removed the skirt because the cat had gotten to it.
Chair #2-- AFTER--- great green/ cream check with skirt. I had enough fabric to self line the skirt.
Chair #1--AFTER---loved this fabric, oatmeal background with cute green floral. It washed up great. Did 1 1/2" blind hem on the skirt. Just a bit of matching :)....barely had enough fabric to center the floral on the throw pillow. She ordered 17 yds of this fabric which had a 27" repeat.
She wants to do her couch next and switch out the know how it goes- you change one thing and then it's a domino effect.
I like the eclectic look of these two chairs together....
SIDE NOTES----Lots going on in December...took about 3 weeks off work and started on our new garage and work room. We also spent Christmas week at a beach house in Southern California.
BEFORE---- had to remove fence, some concrete, and huge willow tree
DURING---Concrete pad was poured, and somehow I managed to do some man work and dismantled and removed the garage door----which I sold on I was pretty proud of myself.
AFTER---new garage went up in a day!
A-shed built it. Then they came two days later and installed the garage door and electrical and rain gutters. Super impressed!
Here's my dad, he came to help for a day to help frame new wall in the old garage for my new WORK STUDIO!!! I can't tell you how excited I am. I have decorated it in my head 100 times!
I ended up going with a set of french doors that both open---Furniture go be loaded straight more hauling chairs through the house, down the hall, and down the stairs to my basement work room. We still need to have someone come stucco around the doors.
Inside of french doors
Here's the inside---can't wait to make curtains for those windows. I will have 500 sq. ft!
SIDE NOTE- #2 Christmas week was magical! We stayed at a
beach house on the sand with it's own private beach and hot tub. It was on beach road in Capistano Beach, Ca. My sister and her family came as the kids had a great time with their cousins.
I don't think I've ever done almost nothing for 7 nights-- we had no plans, just hang out at the beach house.
We went on walks, read books, hot tubbed 5 times a day, went to the thrift store, cooked, made cinnamon rolls, checked out the tide pools, watched the dolphins in the surf. We even saw a whale spout right in the breakers! I LOVED IT!!!!
The kids loved looking for cool moon rocks and sea glass.
We even got a few really sunny are all my boys soaking up the sun on our last day.
This was our view every night! Magic, I tell you!
The boys even ventured out and paddle boarded one day.
HEAVEN---this was our view after getting out of the car after driving for 10 hours. Blue skies, sunny, 60 degrees---compared to our 25 degrees at home.
We even had our own fire pit on the sand---made smores and hot dogs a few nights.
Boys enjoyed the tide pools too!

When we got there, I told Heber to get ready to fall in love again....I have loved the beach since I was a little girl growing up in Southern Cal. Super romantic!